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The Directorate of Planning and Development principally works towards enabling the University to achieve its development endeavours through coordinated planning. Hence, the directorate is a focal point for coordinating planning and development matters of the University by providing support to the office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor for Planning, Finance and Administration which is the overall office in charge of planning and development matters of the University.

Mr. Daniel Wandera
PhD Policy Analysis & Programme Management  (Ardhi-Tanzania)
Masters in Development Economics (IRDP- Tanzania)
MSc in Development Planning and Management (Dortmund-Germany & KNUST-Ghana)
BSc in Urban and Regional Planning (UDSM- UCLAS Tanzania)


  1. Support planning and development activities of the University as directed by the Deputy Vice Chancellor for Planning and Development
  2. Undertake the process of preparing, implementing and monitoring development plans that include the long term development plans of the University, Strategic Plans and Operational Plans.
  3. Undertake the process of preparing University Budget with support from the finance department
  4. Provide capacity training to deans, directors and heads of departments on planning and budgeting matters.
  5. Provide support to all Units in preparing their strategic plans, Operational plans and annual budgets.
  6. Serve as an advisory unit to the University Management on matters of planning and development
  7. Make follow up on the implementation status of all development plans and update management accordingly.

The Directorate of Planning and Development at the St John’s University of Tanzania is led by a Director who reports directly to the Deputy Vice Chancellor for Planning, Finance and Administration.  Currently, the directorate is led by an acting director who also doubles as an academician in the Geography Department.  The duties/responsibilities of the director include but not limited to the following;

  1. Acts as Chief advisor to the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Planning, Finance and Administration) on matters pertaining to planning, resource mobilization, and management of development issues of the University;
  2. Establishes and implements short- and long-range University goals, objectives, policies, and operating procedures; monitors and evaluates programme effectiveness; effects changes required for improvement;
  3. In liaison with the Director of Finance, develops and manages annual budgets for the University and performs periodic cost and productivity analyses.
  4. Initiates and performs research and policy analyses relevant to anticipated institutional planning, policy, and decision-making needs.
  5. Recommends and participates in the development of university policies and procedures; may serve on university planning and policy-making committees.
  6. Plans, develops, and implements strategies for generating resources and/or revenues for the University;
  7. Assists the institution in identifying and understanding emerging internal and external issues and significant environmental changes, constituting both opportunities and challenges to the University;
  8. Provides relevant, timely, and accurate institutional information to university administrators and the university community at large, and provides institution-wide support for obtaining data and information and performing analyses in response to specific needs;
  9. Produces evaluative and authoritative reports to inform policy and decision-making by the University’s different organs;
  10. Develops methodologies for data collection on various aspects of University operational programmes and designs and reviews data collection instruments.
  11. Identifies and participates in the evaluation of facility infrastructure renewal projects designed to sustain the University's capital building inventory
  12. Prepares planning guidelines for use at Faculty/School/Institute/ Directorate/Centre or Departmental level;
  13. Coordinates and controls the planning as well as effective and efficient utilization of all human and non-human resources;
  14. Reviews the Corporate Strategic Plan and advises Management on the appropriate changes; and proposes effective strategies for mobilizing resources for implementing the plans;
  15. Prepares plans or project documents for submission through Council to the donors for funding;
  16. Attends meetings of the University which have impact on the planning function, e.g. of the Council, Senate, Planning and Finance Committee when invited; and
  17. Performs any other duties and responsibilities as assigned by the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Planning, Finance and Administration) or competent authority


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       P. O. Box 47 Dodoma

Useful Information
SJUT Almanac
SJUT Examination
SJUT Fee Structure 2024/2025
SJUT Prospectus 2024/2025
SJUT TimeTable
Postgraduate Regulations and Guidelines

Online Information System
Online Application System
Student Information Management System
Learning Management Information System
Library Management Information System
Jarida la Mnyampala
SJUT Institutional Repository
Useful Links
The Anglican Church of Tanzania
Tanzania Commission for Universities
Higher Education Students' Loans Board
National Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training
National Examinations Council of Tanzania
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology